Fundação Dom Cabral
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Cardinal Dom Serafim Social Center

Expanding opportunities to reduce inequalities


The FDC - Cardinal Dom Serafim Social Center was conceived to expand and accelerate FDC's efforts to reduce social inequalities and promote economic development in Brazil through education.

The social initiatives of FDC - Cardinal Dom Serafim Social Center are directed towards four fronts:
• Young people in vulnerability situations
• Scholarships
• Popular entrepreneurs 
• Social Organizations

To learn more about the activities of FDC - Cardinal Dom Serafim Social Center, access the 2021 Activity Report.


In the Raízes Program, young people are continually invited to the exercise of thinking. The objective is to facilitate access to humanist content and from different areas of knowledge, which are not accessible in traditional schools, with the hope that young people not only broaden their vision of the world and strengthen their sense of citizenship, but also learn and grasp the diversity of meanings of the world around them, to become actors and authors of the inclusion process itself.


Scholarships for FDC Programs
The FDC – Cardinal​ Dom Serafim Social Center awards scholarships to people who seek to make a difference in society, positioning themselves and promoting responsible and sustainable development. The purpose of the initiative is to support people who are looking for an opportunity to develop their personal and professional lives, and who cannot afford the costs of their education.

Scholarship Fund – FDC Transforma

To promote great transformations and reduce the barriers to access quality education, in 2021 we launched FDC Transforma, a scholarship fund. Through donations from individuals and companies, together we can expand the granting of scholarships to people with limited resources, committed to actions of impact and social transformation. Learn how to donate.


Movimento Pra>Frente 
The movement is an initiative of FDC to, together with companies, social organizations and public administrations, articulate a large network of prosperity with the aim of promoting economic development and social welfare through Management and Entrepreneurship.

In more than 40 years of operations, FDC has helped develop thousands of companies and has been at the side of leaders from all segments, from the public, private and third sectors. Now, we use all our experience, knowledge and capacity for articulation to support popular microentrepreneurs, strengthening the ecosystem in which they are inserted and contributing to the reduction of social inequalities in the country.


Basis is a program for the development of managers of small social initiatives, which aims to train them with the fundamentals of governance and management needed to obtain better results and seek the organization’s sustainability. The program has classes sponsored by large companies, business institutes and/or foundations.

POS - Partnership with Social Organizations (Parceria com Organizações Sociais)
POS is a long-term management development program aimed at civil society organizations and social impact companies that wish to improve their contribution to society through the professionalization of their management.
PDEOS - Companies and Social Organizations Development Programme (Programa de Desenvolvimento de Empresas e Organizações Sociais)
Fundação Dom Cabral develops a set of structuring projects, with a focus on education, management and social innovation in the Jardim Canada neighborhood, in Nova Lima (MG - Brazil), a community neighboring the Aloysio Faria Campus. The implementation of the Companies and Social Organizations Development Programme (PDEOS) stands out.

With the aim of encouraging local sustainable development in Jardim Canada and the region through the promotion of responsible management with business and community leaders, FDC carries out the PDEOS, during three annual cycles, incorporating, in each new edition, participants from previous editions. Axes of action:

• Make business leaders aware of sustainable local development based on an understanding of the subject and the potential contributions of their business.
• Contribute to expanding the knowledge and practice of responsible management in the context of social organizations. 
• Promote articulation between participating companies and social organizations.

​commitments and agreements​​

FDC, as a signatory to the Global Compact and the PRME, supports the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The global agenda, signed by 193 countries in 2015, proposes important goals for 2030 that involve issues such as eradicating extreme poverty, promoting quality education for all, combating inequality and social injustice, and containing climate change. Learn m​ore about the UN Sustainable Development Goals​.